Electrical Engineering Services

Electrical Engineering Services

Our commitment to innovation set us apart.  As technology evolves rapidly, our engineers actively seek innovative solutions to emerging challenges.  We build upon the foundational principles of our discipline, aiming to provide safer, stronger, more efficient, and more cost-effective solutions tailored to your specific needs.  

Leveraging the latest research and technological advancements, we enhance the effectiveness, functionality, and aesthetics of electrical systems design and implementation.  Importantly, we maintain a strong dedication to environmental sustainability, ensuring our solutions align with modern eco-conscious practices.

Askon electrical engineering team possesses in-depth expertise in cleanroom, commercial, industrial, manufacturing, and research processes.  We understand that energy costs are among the most significant expenses facing businesses today.  Our focus on energy-efficient technology not only conserves valuable resources but also reduces operational costs.

Our services go beyond design.  We conduct energy audits, perform code analysis, provide cost estimation, and offer project management to ensure the efficiency of your systems.

At Askon, we understand that electrical systems do not function in isolation.  Our interdisciplinary suite of services extends well beyond electrical systems.  We collaborate seamlessly with our clients, integrating into project teams and making your objectives our own.  Your success is our success, and our history of delivering exceptional service and projects speaks volumes about our commitment.

Our expertise covers not only electrical engineering but also mechanical engineering, design-build services, and construction management.  This integrated approach streamlines project management, accelerates construction schedules, and yields substantial cost savings.  We pride ourselves on value engineering, a practice that benefits clients in both the short and long term.